Monday, July 15, 2013

Thank God There Is Still Some Social Consciousness Out There, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     When I went to the computer, yesterday morning, darlings, and read about the George Zimmerman verdict, I screamed,"WHAAAAAAAT?????"  Then, when I read the Rev. Jesse Jackson had spoken out on this, I knew this was big time!  And, within fifteen minutes later, everyone's favorite New York ambulance chaser, the Rev. Al Sharpton, was all over this, like molasses on bread!!!!!!  Once that happened, I knew this was a certified media event.

                                         So, I was gratified when I heard about the protests about town yesterday--Union Square, the East Village, and Times Square!!!!--because I thought social consciousness had vanished, like everything else of value in a society that has come to increasingly value more superficiality.  And more power to the masses for getting out in some of the most excruciating heat we have had this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           If I were George Zimmerman, darlings, I would think about updating my passport, and getting the hell outta here!!!!!!!!!!!!  Or, at least, forging a new identity?????? Maybe he will have to undergo Witness Protection???????????????

                                             However that drama plays out, and it shall be revealed, darlings,
the sense of social consciousness still prevails among those of us with  more humanistic values.  It's enough to bring tears to the most embittered political radical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Right On, darlings!!!!!!!!  Bring back Angela Davis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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