Monday, July 15, 2013

Does This Mean I Am Regressing To Childhood, Darlings?????????????

                                 Actually, girls, I am not so sure there is much to regress to, since I have pretty much kept what was fundamentally important to me in childhood with me, as I carried over into adult life.  So, while I may not know a thing about "capital gains," (and is the only context on this blog you would see such a term used!!!!!!!!!!!) I know a lot about different things that send me mind spinning in different directions.

                                   So, why, as of last week, have I been thinking of the Milton Bradley Game, Rack-O????????

                                     As those who knew me then can attest, my basement was practically a storage facility for almost every toy or game on the market in the early to late Sixties.  A few escaped me.  One was Milton Bradley's "Pirate And Traveler," which I obtained some years back, via E-bay.  Once I mastered it, though, the thrill of it was gone.  Was it the game, or had I changed?  I always thought I still liked playing games; maybe I don't.  But, then, when was the last time I actually played one.

                                       I did not have Rack-O, either.  Nor did any of my friends.  Yet, last week, a strong desire to possess it, and play it, was fueled in me.  Is Rack-O still even on the market, darlings???????

                                         My craving was partly fueled by memories of the Rack-O TV Commercial, from the early Sixties????????  Anyone here remember it????????  Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!  I will try and get it on here, but just in case I fail, here is what you are in for.

                                           The underscoring music is like something derived from "Old McDonald Had A Farm."  A generic looking family is seated around a card table--the presentation is in black-and-white--getting ready for their game night.  Right away, this is laughable; the mother is clearly a Stepford wife, while the father and kids look like the sort of fictionalized generic humans found in our First Grade readers, or episodes of "Davey And Goliath." Which, by the time I reached second grade, I realized had absolutely nothing to do with what went on in my house, nor my friends'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               But the little boy in this commercial!!!!!!!! You have GOT to see him, darlings!!!!!!!!!  What ever happened to him? Did he ever reach puberty? The annoying way he keeps shouting "Rack-O! has me wondering if he turned gay.  I am certain of it!  Then, you just gotta hear the country twang on the "Easy Money" (Milton Bradley's answer to Monopoly!!!!!!!) segment; what were they trying to do here?  To think this was media manipulation and that children--MY generation, darlings!!!!!!!!--were duped by this into buying these games!!!!!!!!  Well, guess what, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  Look how some of us have turned out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Guess we got what we asked for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              It was a different era, then, I can tell you!  Thank God the Age of Aquarius came along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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