Monday, July 15, 2013

"We're Having A Heat Wave! A Tropical Heat Wave!"

                                                            "Could it be the devil in me,
                                                              Or, is this the way love is supposed to be?
                                                               It's like a heat wave!"
                                                               -----Linda Ronstadt

                                               I am just telling folks out there today--do NOT mess with me this week, because, with temperatures climbing into the 90's for most of the week--perfect, for that weekend trip to my sister and father in PA!!!!!!!--I could be in danger of acting like a fucking bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 I can remember when I used to love this weather.  I wore as little as possible, stripped my tootsies full time, and just enjoyed being outside, whether I was reading a book, or playing games with others.  Today, this kind of weather takes my breath away,--and that is not a compliment!!!!!!!!!--not to mention sapping my energy, and making me wonder how I could ever have pined for the Romanticism of the South.

                                                    This is the thing, dolls!  It is so much fun to sit in an air-conditioned movie theater, and watch Vivien Leigh wear her fabulous dresses as Scarlett in "Gone With The Wind,"--to say nothing of Aunt Pittypat and her hat boxes!!!!!!!-- but the reality, darlings, is  Tara was NOT air-conditioned, so how on Earth did the men and women of the time stand it???????  No wonder the ladies took naps at Twelve Oaks; hell, I would be joining them!!!!!!!!!  Bet that poor Charles Hamilton, who got suckered by Scarlett into marrying her, did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       I was once told by a resident of New Orleans that our worst days here  are about a third less than what the Big Easy gets on a normal day!!!!!!!!!  No wonder everyone drinks!!!!!!!!
Though how they run around in business suits, and have that rich food settling in their stomachs (at least the restaurants are air-conditioned!!!!!!!!!!) is something I cannot fathom.  Again, nice to visit, but on a permanent basis????????  I may have the instincts, but not the temperament, to survive in the climate of a Plantation Princess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        So, watch out this week, darlings!!!!!!!  As Evilene, the Wicked Witch in "The Wiz," says, "Don't Nobody Bring Me No Bad News!"  This is not the week to trifle with me!!!!!!!!!

                                                         I love you all, darlings, but I might throw that frying pan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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