Monday, July 15, 2013

What's The Big DL, Darlings????????????????????

                                           Girls, I am telling you, it was quite a weekend.  It started on Friday, with Monsieur and I off, taking care of legal matters, going to Century 21 (which thrilled him!!!!!!) and then to the Little Cupcake Bakeshop (which thrilled me!!!!!!) for my sampling of Dreaming Princess Cake!

                                             Saturday, I had to work, (groan!!!!!!!!!) but that evening, we had our friend, Audrey, over, who finally got to see the apartment, and whom I had not seen in about 8 months. Audrey looked fabulous; of course, the hair was perfect, but it was the first time I had seen her unencumbered by a child, since giving birth to her daughter, Ruby, nearly three years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!  She seemed both relieved and discomfitted.

                                             We dined at a place quickly becoming one of our new favorites, Il Forno Di Marco, a mixture of Italian and Lebanese, on Third Avenue and 76th Street, not very far from our apartment.
Monsieur opted for Lebanese with a fish dish I could tell really satisfied him, as everything was stripped to the bones, Audrey opted for a classic Eggplant Parmaigna, which was so plentiful, she had to take some of it home, while I opted for Chicken Rollatine, with some lovely potatoes, and string beans.  So good, and so filling, no desert was needed.  And at that hour, (it was nearly 11PM!!!!!!!!) even I, needing something to polish off the meal, had a cup of decaf coffee. And was grateful for it!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  It seems we just piled into bed last night, and off to sleep we went. At least, I did not scream, like I did the previous night, according to what Monsieur told me.  Apparently, I dreamed I was being attacked, and my fear expressed itself.  I think it was triggered by two things--the spicy Indian meal I had eaten that night, and the mounting anxiety over my upcoming 40th High School Reunion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    By Sunday morning, everything was fine; it was coffee and Sister Camille, and Baby Gojira joined us for both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Then we headed on into the city where we were scheduled to have lunch with Frank, and his partner, the writer, Mark McNease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     The acronym DL stands for Delancey and Ludlow, which is where this eatery is located.  Imagine the Lower East Side on a scalding day; at one point, I became so haggard, not to mention bitchy, I am told I actually said, "Have some respect, for my age, and health!!!!!!!!"  That was actually a highlight of the expereince.

                                                        As for the meal, it was fine.  I had a lovely goat cheese and beet salad, with an order of Eggs Benedict, and two Bellinis.  They make fabulous Bellinis at this place, darlings!!!!!!!  Frank had some kind of waffle concoction, with berries, sugar and whipped cream, I think Monsieur had a burger and fries, and I am not quite sure what Mark had.  We had coffee, but no desert.  The food was fine, but, would I tell my girls you have got to travel down here, just to sample the fare???????  Of course not; nor would I, especially with the temperature reaching over ninety degrees!!!!!!!!!!!  Which made me something of a bitch, girls, though I was sweet as pie to everyone at DL.

                                                          Mark, very generous, gave us a copy of his newest murder mystery, "Pride And Perilous," which I am looking forward to reading.  I enjoyed his first book, "Murder At Pride Lodge," which introduced his series of Kyle Callahan mysteries, and I look forward to having fun with the second.

                                                           But I have to remark there was something odd about this gathering, something not having to do with either the restaurant, or Monsieur and I.  An atmosphere of tension seemed to be hanging over our heads the entire time, and I noticed, as we said our farewells, it was barely over an  hour we had been there.  We had no heat issues, and usually a dinner with these two is good for two hours, so it left me wondering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              This  is why I need to rest from my weekends, which ofttimes can be more fraught with running about, than my work week.  And next weekend, we are off to my sister's, and visiting my father at Villa St. Martha!!!!!!!!!!  I can't tell you how WILD that place is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                 Take my advice, girls, "DV," the Diana Vreeland biography, is more important than DL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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