Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Everyone Reacts Differently To The Dog Days Of Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 With August winding down, and this weekend not only being Labor Day, but commencing what I call the "ber" months, from which point you can just about say the years is wrapped up, we are definitely in the Dog Days Of Summer.  And what I am feeling is typical, for me, darlings, but I need some suggestions on what to do about it.

                                     My feeling of late is that of the bright child in school who is not challenged enough.  A position I have been in before, but odd to be cropping up now.

                                       The Summer began well, with me reading "Anna Karenina."  Now, THAT was stimulating.  Not that I have not stopped reading; in fact my current reading--a second, of Marisha Pessl's "Special Topics In Calamity Physics" is not only stimulating and bracing, but may also be prompting these feelings in me, for, while she is pursuing a murder mystery, the book's heroine, a young high school senior, named Blue Van Meer, is currently taking every Advanced Placement Course in sight.

                                         Which leads me to a few options of my own.  I will start with some suggestions that came from my beloved Monsieur, and then some of my own.  See what you think, and feel free to let me know, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           l. Doing More Writing--Well, the blog is ongoing. as you know.  I
                                              started three chapters of a book, earlier this Summer, but when I
                                              read it over, was not satisfied with the results.  It was an assessment
                                              of my life in terms of the movies and shows that had the most
                                              influence on me, and in the style of this blog, but where here things
                                              come out fun and bitchy, as they should, there they came out
                                              bitter and ranting. Which is not what I want, and not what I
                                              intended. What should I do?

                                        2.   Acting Classes--Well, yeah, but who, how, where and when?
                                              With my schedule finding one is a challenge, let alone finding
                                               someone I feel comfortable enough studying with.  I have
                                               always wanted to study with Austin Pendelton, and probably
                                               should, as neither of us is getting any younger, but, like, how?

                                          3.   Singing Lessons--Well, not so much lessons, darlings, as working
                                                 on my voice.  It is still there.  Remember when I talked on here
                                                 (at least on here) about doing an act (my dream would be at
                                                  the Duplex called "Getting In Touch With My Inner Barbra,"
                                                  where I do the lesser Streisand classics--"I'm All Smiles,"
                                                   "She Touched Me," and "What Did I Have?"  That idea still
                                                   percolates in my brain, like my Maxwell House Coffee each
                                                   morning.  Again, who and how do I find the right person for
                                                   this.  Hey, Joel Derfner, remember me?  Are you reading this?

                                        Then there are some things I have come up with, from the wacky to the outrageous.  Each have their pros and cons.

                                          1. Reading "Gravity's Rainbow"--Definitely a challenge, only I
                                           am not in the mood for a Pynchon epic right now.

                                           2. Take An Introductory Biology or Physics Course--For
                                            what?  Because I have never done it before?  To fulfill
                                             unfulfilled science desires?  Maybe, but since my math
                                             skills have not been used in forty years, that leads to
                                              the next option.

                                           3. Take an Elementary Algebra rehash to prepare for the
                                                higher stuff, so I can work up to Calculus.  Same argument
                                                as in the last option, but also, where can I take such courses?
                                                And as cheaply as possible; I am not going for any degrees.
                                                Do any high schools allow adults to take courses?  Mine did,
                                                for awhile, but that was years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             4. Study either Greek or Latin-- I am classical and linguistic by
                                                 nature, so this would seem a better fit.  And I always had a
                                                 twinge of regret not doing so in college.  I am leaning towards
                                                 Greek, because the idea of having to learn a whole new
                                                  alphabet sounds challenging.  But again, where can I do this
                                                  as cost effectively as possible?????????

                                              5.  Google on here AP English, and pick a syllabus, and read
                                                    that, giving yourself a deadline for each book.  Not bad,
                                                    however one disadvantage to being well read is that, when
                                                    I look over these lists, I find I have read most of  the books
                                                    already. Many more than once.

                                      Then there is the Final Option.

                                               6.   Go on a reading binge torture my eyes by accelerating
                                                      my speed, and read everything I haven't that is in the
                                                      house, which would include such things as "War And
                                                      Peace" and :"Infinite Jest."  But over speeding could
                                                      result in a new pair of glasses, and, as I just got these
                                                      last year, I am not ready to shell out megabucks.  Not
                                                      to mention, the speed would get me through, but how
                                                      much narrative impact would I derive?????????

                                       There you have it, girls!  You tell me!  And, no I am not interested in handcrafts
or gourmet cooking.  When do I have the time?

                                        Remember that line from "Up The Down Staircase," by Bel Kaufman?????  "Let it be a challenge to you." It was actually code for "You're stuck with it."  So, I am leaving this list for you to
ponder, girls, and let it be a challenge to you, to tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          After all, you are stuck with me, anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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