Tuesday, August 27, 2013

This Is No Maxim De Winter From "Rebecca," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Far from it!  Maxwell Sherman might sound like a name straight from the pages of Daphne Du Maurier's  novel, but you can just tell this guy is trouble. And what has he done?

                                     This piece of scum, who hails from affluent Long Beach, Long Island was arrested for murdering Lauren Daverin, whose body was found on a footbridge near her Rockville Center home.

                                       Both were eighteen.  Lauren was married to a man in the military, and while she may have been a bit wild, she did not deserve this.

                                        Sherman was a loser who was freeloading at his parents' second home, out on Long Beach.  He was a druggie, who had a history of being in trouble with the law, and I am willing to bet  he was high when he and Lauren crossed fateful paths on  that bridge, the night of August 22.  He also wanted a tussle with this reputedly Wild Thing, and when she would not comply, the scum raped and strangled her.

                                          Most eighteen-year-olds spend their summer getting ready for college. There is no evidence to support that Sherman graduated high school; let's face it, he is not Ivy League material. From the looks of things, even if he had not murdered Lauren, I don't think he could have gotten into the local community college.

                                            Now, he will most likely, and deservedly, be off to prison, where he should receive, not a Bachelor's Degree, but a Life Term!  Good riddance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               It just goes to prove everything cannot be blamed on New Jersey. To paraphrase someone I know, who hails from Long Island, Long Island is just Jersey on the opposite side of the Hudson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                And, as Bette Davis once said, "Honey child has a point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



  1. I'm from Long Island and I concur!


  2. What is most interesting about your comment is--long before I knew the person who made that statement, when I was somewhere in elementary school, we were going to move to Garden City, Long Island. At the time, I had no idea of what was ahead for me--the bullying, the favoritism of my teachers towards the wealthier members of my rather small, and small minded, community. For years, I regretted never having moved to Garden City. I thought being on the other side of the Hudson would have been easier. I might have been bullied, but I always thought my studiousness would have been recognized. After my friend's comment, and now yours, I am not so sure.
