Thursday, August 29, 2013

Girls, I Have Finally Figured Christine Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 "Everyone hates me, --yes, yes!
                                                  Being the Mayoress, yes.
                                                  All of the peasants
                                                  Throw rocks in my presence,
                                                   Which causes me nervous distress, yes!
                                                    Oooh, Oooooooooh, Oooh, Oooh,

                                                    Me and my town, battered about.
                                                    Everyone in it would like to get out.
                                                    But me and my town,
                                                    We just wanna be loved."
                                                       --Stephen Sondheim, "Me And My Town,"
                                                     "Anyone Can Whistle" (1964)
                                       Who would have thought Musical Theater would provide the answer?   But, then, doesn't it always, sometimes, darlings?  With "Anyone Can Whistle" curiously on my mind this week, as I thought over the score, I thought about Christine Quinn.

                                           Let's face it, things can't be too lovey dovey over at Quinn Campaign Headquarters these days!!!!!!!!!  About as upbeat as spending a Forties, wartime summer, in Bergen Belsen!!!!!!!!!

                                             Woe to those working now for Christine. But woe to us more, if she gets elected!!!!!!  Because, do you know what she is really doing, girls??????????

                                               She is auditioning for the role of Cora Hoover Hooper!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Cora, of course, is the corrupt, villainous Mayor at the heart of "Anyone Can
Whistle."  She was portrayed originally by the great Angela Lansbury, for whom this was her first venture onto the musical stage.

                                                Thanks to Cora and the show, girls, I have Christine figured out now!  It is not too difficult to imagine her going home, kicking off her heels, belting back a few brewskies, putting on the
Original Cast Album  of the show, and singing and dancing her way across the room to "Me and My Town."  I am not saying it is talented, or just IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  If Christine is elected Mayor, do you know what will happen, loves????? Not only will this become her town, she will BECOME CORA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   I would much rather have Angela Lansbury, herself, as Mayor.  Maybe she will be my write-in candidate.  As for Christine/Cora, as the character says in the show---

                                                     "Dry, boys, dry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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