Friday, August 30, 2013

Have The Times Really "A' Changed," Darlings????????????????

                                        Or is History repeating itself, girls????????  With the potential for outbreak of war in Syria--which I think is a mistake, darlings--and protests already in the streets, has the Aquairian Age returned??????  When it comes right down to it, did it ever really go away??????????

                                          War is scary under any prospect.  With today's technological advancements that were not around during the Sixties, with nuclear holocaust more of a possibility, my fear is that, as we move into this more Strangelovian  Age, things become more, well...Strangelovian......with Dick Cheney, or his like riding bronco on the bomb, to a fare thee well as the World explodes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Oh, well, "We'll meet again............."

                                             But, please, darlings, not too soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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