Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Girls, I Have To Wonder--How Is Jessie Going To "Do" Carole????????????

                                      As you know, darlings, I am not about to question the wisdom of casting Jessie Mueller in anything.  But she has a fascinating challenge facing her, portraying Carole King in the forthcoming "Beautiful--The Carole King Musical."

                                        The problem is Jessie has a distinctive voice.   It is almost Garlandesque.  Carole's voice is also distinctive, with that nasal sound that worked for her, so the problem is, how will Jessie sing Carole?  Will she mimic Carole, or sing more like Jessie?  A one-woman show of Jessie singing Carole King tunes is not a bad idea, but this sounds like it will be a book musical, with a cast surrounding Jessie.

                                          So, the question begs to be asked--Will Jessie project an interpretation, or an impersonation???????????

                                          This same dilemma was faced almost half a century ago by the creators of "Funny Girl".  Once they settled on their Fanny Brice--Barbra something-or-other!!!!!!!-- the question of how to portray Fanny arose.  The problem was solved brilliantly.  As someone wrote at the time, "She projected an interpretation, rather than an impersonation."  The result was, while you were watching the Fanny Brice story onstage--as on film, when that emerged, in 1968--you were as much watching the Barbra Streisand story unfold.  I think the same will be true of this show.

                                               Jessie Mueller is too good a singer to simply mimic.  And why should she want to?  There are plenty of female impersonators around who can, and are eager, to do so.  Like Sharon Tate said, in "Valley Of The Dolls," "You know how bitchy fags can be!"  Though I have never heard of them clamoring to do Carole King.  And Jessie is a first rate performer, so I do not think she would be interested in simply doing a mimicked performance.  Not unlike Miss Streep!  So, it will be intriguing to see how the creators solve this problem. Especially as they have one  thing against them--when "Funny Girl" was done, Fanny Brice was no longer alive.  Carole King, at 71, is very much out there, and I believe she has something to do tangentially with the show; she may have even given casting approval to Jessie.

                                               Frankly, girls, I can't wait!!  As Monsieur said this morning, this will definitely be my birthday show!  And he is right!  So,  let's hold our breath, darlings, and wish the best for Jessie!!!!!!!!
Not that she will need it, with her voice and talent!  But the handling thereof is pause for thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  I am really not that worried. Because, as one who has experienced the magic of Jessie Mueller, I can guarantee--the lights will go down, she will come out, the music will come up, the light will hit her face, the voice will swell out........and something wonderful will happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   The most exciting theatrical news in months, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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