Saturday, August 31, 2013

Girls, This Is No Mama Michelle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Well, actually she is, but not in looks or anything else is she any Michelle Phillips.  Just when you think it can't get worse, it does.  While Gemma Killeen still gets First Prize for evil, Mama Michelle is not that far behind!

                                   She was a sexual sadist!  She and her boy friend, James Daveggio teamed up, rigged their minivan for torture, and would pick up girls and sadistically abuse them.  One, Vanessa Lei  Samson, 22, they killed, and left on the road for dead!  But the corker of all was when Michelle allowed James to have sex with her 13-year-old daughter!!!!!!  And she watched, and took pleasure in it!

                                    Now, the explanation for all this is that they were high on meth, and their addictions fueled all this sadism!  But I don't think so!  It takes more than drugs to create this kind of sickness, and I would love to know more about Michelle and James' backgrounds!!!!!!!!!!!  You can bet there was some kind of abuse and sickness in their upbringings.

                                     It would be so easy to say these two read "The Monsters On The Moors," and were trying to pattern themselves after Ian Brady and Myra Hindley.  But I don't think these two were literate enough for "Good Night, Moon;" and, if they were, they would have bypassed it for "Mein Kampf!!!!!!!!"   However, as you can see, Michelle has no sense of style, and at the very, VERY least, Myra Hindley, and, even Ian Brady, did!  Not that that excuses those sickos, not for one second, I can tell you!  But Michelle and James hadn't such style; they were just Poor White Trash!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And, now, both are on Death Row; it's  a wonder they have not been executed yet!  Get rid of these pieces of garbage; cremate them and sweep them out to dry!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      As for Michelle's daughter, I hope she spat in her mother's face, and bitch slapped James!!!!!!!!  Castrate him, with a pair of tongs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   But, at least, got some psychotherapy, so she
can move on from these two!

                                      On "Deadly Women" last night, Candace De Long, who coined the phrase, "If a psychopath is not manipulating someone....they;re not having any fun," said, of all the female killers she has professionally studied, Michelle is one of  the worst.  She is in the Top Ten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         The only makeover that will cure this bitch is a permanent wave....with 500 volts of electricity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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