Saturday, August 31, 2013

So Long, August!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Well, girls, that's it for this month!  Just think...the Reunion....the Woodstock Anniversary...Roberta....not to mention the tenth (I can't believe it has been THAT many years) year of the births of my great -nephew and niece, Will and Fiona!!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you imagine??????????????

                                 So, where are we now, darlings?  Two thirds through 2013, and, with "ber" months to follow, a plethora of cultural and literary events!  Like the return of Donna Tartt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  It was a memorable Summer, girls, thanks to all of you, and my beloved Monsieur!
Who knows what the last third will bring????????  My birthday falls in that period, darlings!!!!!!!!  Hint! Hint!  Wink! Wink!

                                   And to you especially Dizzy Queens, don't look at this pic, and think of walking into the ocean, like James Mason,as Norman Maine, in "A Star Is Born!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    Farewell to you all in August, darlings!!!!!!!!!  Like the song says--

                                     "See you in September!"

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