Saturday, August 24, 2013

Heaven Help Us!!!!!!!!!! Is Lickey Lickey Trying To Make A Comeback To Bay Ridge, Darlings???????????

                                   Several months ago, there was a big media outcry, including on this blog, of the proliferation of sexual massage parlors passing as spas in Bay Ridge.  Then, suddenly, it seemed, they were gone, and good riddance to rubbish such as that!

                                     But now, I fear, they are trying to squeeze back in.

                                     What a day I had, girls!!!!!!!!! My day off, and I had to high tail it into the city, where I sat for over an hour (because the very organized nurse, Janice!!!!!!!!!) was out for the day in my doctor's office, and I had to wait ninety minutes, just to get a prescription renewal.  Fortunately, I was out of the office by 1PM, went and refilled at my pharmacy, and got on the train heading home to Bay Ridge by 1:30, and was back in the nabe before 2:30.  Not bad timing!

                                         I got off at 86th Street, and walked over to Third Avenue, as I had some errands to do in the uptown section, like getting a birthday gift and card for Miss Ruby (whose birthday is actually today, but whose party we are going to, tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!), and then stopping at the Little Bakery Cake
Shop, just blocks away, for some cake and coffee.  I was craving a slice of their Hummingbird Cake, which is luscious. but it was not there, so I opted to try something different, which I have not had in awhile--their German Chocolate cake!  With a cup of coffee, it was heavenly!!!!!!!!!!  I felt so good, but I needed to get home, and rest.

                                        The bus stop was right across the street from the cake shop, but, what with the waiting time, I could walk home before a bus might come, so walk home I did. On the way, I stopped at the
Bookmarks Bookstore, to see if I could pick up the new Marisha Pessl; no such luck, there. On I continued, and, when I was on Third and 90th, I noticed a certain spa, whose entry door had a frosted panel, so you could not see inside, and all the windows were covered with provocative posters, again so no one could see

                                          This could only mean ONE thing!  Lickey Lickey is trying to come back, and I want the Community Organizers in Bay Ridge, not to mention members of the 68th precinct, to get in there and tie a can around every broad's tail working in there!  And while you are at it, pick up and haul in the REAL Mastermind of the operation--Madame Sin, better known as Despina Poulakakis!!!!!!!! I guess all that withdrawal from kitty litter is having its side effects, compelling her to start up Lickey Lickey again!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Well, not in the neighborhood Monsieur and I are proud to call home!  That trash was gotten rid of once, and it can be gotten rid of again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Including those nighttime Asian Garbage Grannies, who morph into spa workers during the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Now, that would be the REAL happy ending, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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