Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sad News About Linda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         When I was in college, undergraduate years, the dorm room of every straight boy, had, on a wall, one of two posters.  The first was the famous Farrah Poster (no explanation needed to my girls on here!!!!!!!!!) and the second this picture of Linda Ronstadt.  Even I could understand why, at the time!!!!!!!!  Linda even came and gave a concert at my college--Seton Hall University, during, I think, my freshman year.  That I did not go is one of those things I regret.

                                            But I followed Linda, to an extent.  I loved, and still do, her renditions of "Different Drummer," and "Long, Long Time."  The way she throws her voice on the latter makes it definitive.  I even loved Linda on Broadway in "The Pirates Of Penzance," though she came in for a lot of criticism there.  No one ever said she was going to upstage any Broadway icons, but she acquitted herself, well enough.  And when she reinvented herself, with that classic album of standards, "What's New.?" I realized Linda was going to be around for awhile; that she was not content with being a once sexy rocker who would just fade into obscurity.

                                            Just recently, while dining, Monsieur and I were discussing Linda, because it seems, of late, like she had disappeared.  Now comes the distressing news why--she has Parkinson's disease, and it has taken away her singing voice.  Not that she did not leave behind enough of a legacy. But, while still in her Sixties, there was no reason, had this not developed, that Linda could not have continued.

                                             The Raving Queen and readers wish Linda the best, especially in the time ahead.  I know, having seen for myself, what Parkinson's can do.  I hope she does not suffer.

                                               But, rest assured, Linda, we wish you well, and will love you for a "long, long time!!!!!!!!!"


  1. Also sad news about Julie Harris,Arguably the greatest stage actress of her generation.


  2. To be sure! Not to fear, Julie will get her own post!
