Monday, August 26, 2013

This You Have Just GOT To See, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Hard to believe, girls, that, next year Disney's celebrated film version of "Mary Poppins"--the gold standard when it comes to that story, and Julie Andrews' performance of that character--will turn fifty years old.  Although the song "Chim-Chim-Chimney" won the Oscar for Best Song that year,
as far as I am concerned, having seen the film as an adult about, maybe, twenty years ago, (and I feel due for a viewing again!!!!!!!) the best of the evergreen Sherman Brothers score was the haunting song, "Feed The Birds."

                                         Not only is it the movie's best song, it is also its emotional and moral center.  This film would be simply ordinary and flashy without it; the moment in the film when Julie sings it to the Banks children, (Karen Dotrice, daughter of Roy, and the late, sadly early departed Matthew Garber) lifts it to a level of art.  It also reveals, subtly, something it has taken me this long to realize, for all the adulation I showered on this film, as a child.

                                         "Mary Poppins" is not just about Mary and the Banks children. It is about Mr.
Banks, which is why, next to Julie, David Tomlinson's performance  is the most brilliant in the picture, and so deserving of
an Oscar nomination he, unfortunately, did not get.

                                            Of course, you should believe me, dolls!  But, if you want to see  what I mean for yourselves, take a look at this selection of clips from the film.  They start with Julie and the snow globe
of St. Paul's Cathedral, leading into the song, and following the character of Mr. Banks, with the instrumental music to this song, on the soundtrack.

                                           I cried real tears, darlings, just watching it.  Not to mention Jane Darwell (Oscar winner for Ma Joad; twenty five years past Mrs. Merriwether in "Gone With The Wind,"-- in her last movie role--and what a great note to go out on!!!!!!!!!!)

                                            So, take a look, loves, and see some REAL film artistry.

                                            Incidentally, when I visited London, back in 2006, I ended up seeing the stage version of "Mary Poppins" over there.  Mainly because I could not get tickets to "Billy Elliot."  The stage version hardly matched the magic of the movie, and while "Feed The Birds" was done on stage, it did not have the powerful impact the movie gave it.

                                             Next morning, I went to the steps of St. Paul's, fully expecting to see the Bird Woman; if not Jane Darwell, then some facsimile thereof.  Alas, there was no one there.

                                              This movie moment stands triumphant and alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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