Monday, August 26, 2013

This Is Absolutely Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I suppose, when one begins thinking of "Mary Poppins," can thoughts of "The Sound Of Music" be far behind?  They both catapulted Julie Andrews to stardom and iconic status--a status still held today, you better believe it!!!!!!!!--and in two more years, that film will reach the half century mark.

                              I have to hand it to whomever (one or more?) put this together.  That is, a series of clips from "The Sound Of Music"--I guarantee you will know them all, darlings!!!!!!--with some unrecognizable, though aptly eerie music, resulting in a film trailer that markets this movie as though it were a horror film!!!!!!!!!  I am telling you, it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The shot of those nuns, in this context, is absolutely frightening.

                               Strangely for those of us who have loved the film for lo these many years, this presentation, in no way, disrespects it.  Rather, when you see the clips, you come away with how impressive the film's imagery is, and how Robert Wise used it to the material's advantage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But kudos to its creators!!!!!!!!!!!  Simply brilliant, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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