Tuesday, August 20, 2013

There Is Absolutely NO Excuse For This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            When I first heard about this, darlings, I was going to save it for Bitch Of The Week on Thursday, as it takes bullying to a new level!  A Canadian woman wrote to the grandmother of an autistic child, Max Begley, 13, inferring that because the child is "a nuisance, no good, etc." he should be euthanized for his own good, and the good of this neighborhood!

                                                The first thing I want to know is--who is the cowardly bitch who wrote this letter????  Because I would name her, and she should be charged with something!  The second thing I want to know is--who the hell does she think she is?

                                                   Personally, I would rather have someone autistic or handicapped individual  living in my neighborhood, than some deranged nut!  Once again--how many times can I say it???-incidents like this point out the merits of the Salem Witchcraft Trials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Not to mention this rubs me in a personal way.  Thirty four years ago, as my mother was dying in the hospital of terminal cancer, an anonymous letter came to her.  It was addressed simply "Mrs. Hearn/St. Peter's Hospital/New Brunswick, New Jersey."  It was anonymous, but to this day I can recall its contents. It went--

                                                 "Dear Mrs. Hearn,
                                                                             I am very sorry that you have
                                                   cancer, and you don't have long to live, but I want
                                                    you to know we are all praying for you.  Now maybe
                                                    your son will be a man and go to work to help you and
                                                    your husband.
                                                                         Our best to you,
                                                                              Your neighbors"

                                   To compound anonymity, the note was written in pencil, on lined paper, making it out as though it had been written by a child.  But the psyche behind it was anything but  juvenile.

                                    The identity of the writer has never been satisfactorily revealed; for all I know,  this person is deceased. And the person I believe it was actually IS--my uncle, Bill Liddy, who had a falling out with my father, due to something he did to me that upset our family, and which is why there is all this family animosity--beneath the surface, of course, but nevertheless--between  myself and my cousin Judy, the daughter who is most like him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I hope the Begley family gets the kind of justice mine did not.  But, then, perhaps I a getting justice, of a sort, , by exposing this on here!  Whatever, both were inexcusable deeds, and I hope the one in the present day does not go unpunished.

                                      As for the one in the past, rest assured, darlings!!!!!!  I will take care of that, when the time comes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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