Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Vive La France, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               While those of us on this side of the globe celebrate the birthday of Amy Adams, over in France, a celebration of an altogether different kind is taking place.  I am talking about the Annual National Pilgrimage Of The French People to Lourdes.

                                   That is right; every August 20, thousands convene on the shrine, possibly the most important day for attendance since February 11.  I have to wonder, girls, if anyone is holding up eight by ten glossies, or banners, depicting Jennifer Jones, in her Oscar winning role, as Bernadette!  You know I would, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Imagine the emotional spectacle of thousands converging, not to mention the sick and diseased, who come, laden with hope, and who knows, maybe a cure????????  Lourdes is a place where miracles have been known to happen since 1858, and if you don't believe me, then, you REALLY need to sit down and watch "The Song Of Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                        What a combination--Amy Adams and Lourdes!  Plus, she (Amy) played a nun in "Doubt."  It all has an odd kind of symmetry, doesn't it??????????????

                                            If you can't pilgrimage to Lourdes today, girls, then go somewhere Divine!  And I do not mean Bergdorf's!!!!!!!!!!! Who knows; I may turn up tonight in front of the Bernadette Vision Statue in front of St. Patrick's, in Bay Ridge, in the Nineties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             With a memento of Jennifer Jones, to be sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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