Monday, August 5, 2013

This Is One Linda, Girls, Men Cannot Count All The Charms About!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Monsieur and I were on the case, with Paula Zahn last night, who was a hoot, as always, covering, with all the earnestness of a Times reporter, the murder of Linda Donahew, in Arlington, Texas, on June 1, 1987.  The first thing that has to be said about Linda, the sister on the left, is that she had charm; I mean, look at that bouffant hair, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The second, which I am sorry to say, is that once again, Texas, like Florida, comes across as a White Trash State.

                                               Linda was done in by Roger Eugene Fain, a serial killer and rapist, who had a  history of doing these acts across Texas and Florida.  Linda was just a stop along his way.  They met up at John B's bar--which says it all right, there, lambs, but, hey, this is Texas. so what the hell else is there to do????--and may have dated for a time.  But, apparently Roger wanted more.  So, on the evening of June 1,  1987,  while her sister was out, he visited Linda, did his nefarious deed, and split.  It wasn't till several decades later, and DNA testing becoming more developed, that Fain was unearthed as Linda's killer.  He was already in prison, serving time for the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Sandra Jean Dumont, of Round Rock, in 1995.  This guy was some piece of work that women should have learned to  stay away from.  Guess he talked a good game.  But, having now been convicted of Linda's killing, he will not come out of prison until he is in a pine box!  You can bet on that, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Just like you can count on Paula being a hoot, unearthing this trashy junk!!!!!!!!!!!!  But, you know, we just LOVE it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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