Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Reunion Countdown, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!! Four Days To Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Yes, darlings, with just four days to go, and, like Bette Davis, as Margo Channing, says, "Fasten your seat belts; it's gonna be a bumpy night!"  That is, if thing don't go the way I want them to, which is that everyone pay attention to me, and give me as much acknowledgement as Roberta and those others, which they never did before.  And with two of the Roberta Group--Nedra and Sally--on the committee, running things, it should be very interesting to see how things evolve.

                                          I have one device that I can always count on to garner attention--and that is my voice!  No, I am not talking about telling people to go fuck themselves; I may think that, but I want to be a little more classy than that, unless things get really hostile.  At the last three reunions I attended, they never did, and there were always some unexpected surprises whom I enjoyed talking with, so I am counting on at least one of those to turn off. To offset that disgusting Betsy Trebat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            But the device I have in mind, girls, is my voice.  I have decided I am going to sing at my high school reunion, and while I know, some of you are expecting me to do Lulu, and "To Sir, With Love," which would be very appropriate, I have chosen something, inspired by Mary Stuart Masterson, that will leave them awestruck and at a loss for words.  I am going to sing "My Husband Makes Movies," from the Broadway musical "Nine," words and music by Maury Yeston.  I have been rehearsing it all week, so you know I am going to be ready, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Let's just hope everyone else is!!!!!!!!!!   Well, too damn bad, if they are not!

                                                I did not see the 2003  revival of "Nine" because, having seen the original three times, my memories of that were so strong, I did not want them to be disturbed.  But I will never forget hearing Mary Stuart Masterson sing that song.  She completely blew me away, as I did not know she had it in her to do this kind of dramatic, musical work.  And neither do a lot of these people at the HS reunion.  Well, I will show them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     So, wish me luck, girls, just four days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Get ready, Roberta!  And I can do this better than you, Nedra!!!!!!!!!!!!

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