Tuesday, August 6, 2013

When Your Workplace Is Like High School, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          With high school more and more on my mind, these days, and understandably, it occurs to me how much of that experience is mirrored in my workplace situation.  The difference between now and then is that, first, I am forty years older, and, because of that, not so inclined to sit back and take it, as I was so easily intimidated then.  I cannot be intimidated now, because I make no secret of the fact that I knew then what I know now.  I was better than my high school classmates, and I AM better than many of my so-called professional colleagues.

                                                             At one point in my favorite Woody Allen film, "Annie Hall," Alvy Singer says, "Most of my schoolmates were idiots," then does this mockumentary like riff on what they are doing today, as adults!  It is priceless, and accurate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   The same could be carried over to the workplace.

                                                                You have already heard about Grotesque Creatures, Insanity Wolf, Miss Perfect, Miss Morose, and Mr. Toothpick.  Insanity Wolf was not here yesterday, and neither was Mr. Toothpick, which made for  a very nice day.  Today, Mr. T is back, sitting away from everyone, whom he considers so much "better than," showing more and more of his more and more balding spot, talking on the phone like a Leland Hayward wannabe, talking about how much writing he has been doing all his life.  Well, hell, hon, who hasn't????????  And I haven't seen anything of his  appearing in The New Yorker!!!!!!!!!  Gimme a break!!!!!!!!  I am just waiting for him to come up with one of my ideas, because that notion will come back to bite him, as I had it first!!!!!!!!!!!!  And he is not going to get his way, this time!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                   Insanity Wolf is on a two week vacation, and I, for one, wouldn't care if he never returned.   Not that I wish him ill; just stay the fuck away from me!  He is gong to have a fit when he finds out the printer has been deficit in printing out the lists.  Me, whatever, I just let it chill.  He, on the other hand, will have apoplexy!!!!!!!!!!  Well, let him!  And if her starts with ME, blaming ME, I will give him a dose of his own insanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                    Miss Morose, because of limited hours, has not been around to spread her sunny disposition, which doesn't mean squat to me, but if she starts upsetting those I care about around here, she might have her hair professionally torn out by its roots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                        Who else??????  How about Miss Schmatke, who dresses in the most bizarre getups imaginable; in the week of the Summer Heat, she came to work, each day, like she was reporting to the set of "Ben-Hur."  She spends most of her day with her back turned to everyone too, and talking on the phone, as though she were Toscanini, to who gives a shit, but she?????????  Probably shopping on credit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                          Does this sound like high school, or what?????????  Well, if it does, I guess that makes me the Class Reporter, or Class Bitch, if you will, reporting on everyone's peccadilloes.  Not sexual, dearies!!!!!!!!!  I have no interest in what any of these people do outside of here. It's bad enough working with them on an 8 hour basis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                            I think the words on this picture say it all!

                                                                             Which is the polite, ladylike way, of saying, girls--It's easy to work with me--just leave me the fuck alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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