Thursday, August 15, 2013

This Week, Girls, We Have A Sextet Of Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              There are six winners this week of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, but I cannot reveal their names, because they are not known yet but I hope they soon will be.

                                                The winners I shall dub the Chelsea Scumbags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 These were a group of sick men who committed what is being treated as a hate crime last night.  Two gay men, Michael Felenchak, 53 and Peter Notman, 27, had just left a late night screening at the Chelsea Multiplex, a place long familiar to me from first runs, and Thursday Night Classics Shows, hosted by Hedda Lettuce!  I hope this does not mean curtains for Hedda!

                                                    The two men had been walking, holding hands, not bothering anyone--a familiar enough site in this neighborhood.  Suddenly, two men approached them, and, with those classic words--"What are you looking at, faggots?"--as if they were worth looking at, which I can assure you they very likely were not-- they began to physically pummel the two men.  Then, from out of nowhere, four other cronies, who had probably been hidden, appeared, and it turned into a melee, until one of the men was able to duck into a building lobby and alert the doorman to call the cops, whereupon the cowards fled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Both men were rushed to Beth Israel Hospital.  The younger man, Peter Notman, suffered contusions, and required an MRI.  The older, Felenchak, required seven stitches.

                                                         To their credit, they did not back down. When the media came to them, they did not hold back, because they wanted to get the word out there!  And hopefully they will round up these scum, for whom I have a special punishment.

                                                            Lock them all together in one interrogation room.  Is STROKE Magazine still published?  If it is, or if you can coax some jaded queen out of his sticky paged issues, hold it up in front of these guys faces, forcing them to look at it, until their eyes pop!  Then make them watch "Funny Girl," until they  invoke the name of Anne Francis!  If these guys want to act anti-gay, force them to confront stuff that is pro gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             Then lock them in the farthest reaches of Riker's, with the most sexually deprived men, so each will become some guy's bitch!  That should take care of things!  Just like a real life production of "Fortune And Men's Eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                                 So, here are our Bitch(es) Of The Week!  I won't say congratulations in their cases, but I don't think better qualifiers will be found this week!

                                                                   And turn them over to me, to give them the Bonita Granville treatment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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