Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Girls, This Is The Next Film To Invite To Your Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Someone just told me about "Bloody Birthday" yesterday.  I cannot believe I had not heard of it before, especially with my penchant for evil children, and portraying them.  My agent, back then, should certainly have sent me up for this!  Which is why he is no longer my agent!

                                   "Bloody Birthday" was released in 1981, and boats two noteworthy actors--theatrical heiress Susan Strasberg, and Oscar winner Jose Ferrer!  Times must have been tough, for performers of this caliber to go slumming here!

                                       Its release year was certainly a big year for birthday horror.  Also appearing that year was the more commercially successful "Happy Birthday To Me," starring the former Mary Ingalls of "Little House On The Prairie," Melissa Sue Anderson, and another Hollywood Golden Ager who went slumming--Glenn Ford.  That film, with its famous poster of the boy being skewered by a shish kabob, is more a study of social class resentment, than outright camp, as this film seems to be!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         This film would have you believe that three children--Curtis, Debbie and Steven--all born on the same day in 1970, during a solar eclipse shielding Saturn from the sun, and depriving them of human emotions, causes them to develop into budding young sociopaths!!!!!!!!!!  Now, I never took Advanced Placement Anything, when it came to science, so I could not tell you for certain whether or not this is accurate. However, my instinctive guess tells me the filmmakers are playing fast and loose!!!!!!!  When they reach the age of 10, they go on a killing spree,  murdering anyone they can get their hands on!  The body count is high, and that Debbie is one piece of work!  Watch out for her at the end!  And what skill with archery!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           But you have to admit it defies description already!  Which means I have just GOT to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Can't you imagine a more perfect party, darlings?????  Pairing this off with "Happy Birthday To Me," you should have a blast!  Keeping with the blood idea, mix these in with "My Bloody Valentine," also around the same time, and you have a recipe for triple threat fun!!!!!!!!!

                                             Ah, yes, the early Eighties.  When filmmakers were working out their childhood resentment issues!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Heaven help what the current crop is doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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