Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Night On The Town, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           When you are  the Raving Queen, darlings, nights on the town go with the territory, but it has been so long since I have been afoot on Saturday night, I almost forgot what that experience was like.  So, I had no idea what I was in for, as I started out, at Maria Pia Restaurant, at 319 West 51st Street, between 8th and 9th Avenues.

                             The food was fabulous.  A standard salad, a luscious pasta dish, zesty with sausage, spices, and a vodka like sauce, and a custard for desert.  No wine, because I am on those new meds, and honeys, I have GOT to talk to Cherry Jones (if I can steal a few "Glass Menagerie" minutes from her!!!) about this.

                             But the service!  Now, I am not talking Delemarchier!!!!!!!!!!  Nothing could be THAT bad, and no one was a complete bitch to us, like Nasty Hostess, who was born too late, because she would have done great with the SS!!!!!!!!!!

                               No, I am talking about a Theater District restaurant that does not know how to conduct itself when it is Peak Time--like right before a show!  There were Monsieur and I, Ellen, Steve, Paul (from whom I found out that those two captivating children, Ramona and Eric, are doing just fine!!!!) and Alan, but I am pretty certain almost everyone in our dining room was en route to something.  And even with the waiting staff racing about faster than dancers to Gower Champion's choreography in "Hello, Dolly!," things still didn't happen  fast enough, or as they should.  At one point, Paul asked for more ice, and was given it in a glass so steaming he could barely hold it in his hand!

                                 Hey, Maria Pia, I don't know if you are short staffed or what, but get your front line staff to get its act together!!!!!!!!!!!  The kitchen staff is no problem, because, as I said, the cuisine was superb, but the manner and alacrity with which it was served left much for me to desire!  Would I go back????????  I am not so sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Had we time to linger, the fun might have flowed!  But when one is catching an eight o clock curtain, darlings, it's like Mammy forcing Scarlett to eat, prior to the Twelve Oaks picnic!   Thank God, it was past three o'clock, and I could show MY bosom!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 The show must  go on!  And customers have to get to theirs!  So take better care, Maria Pia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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