Saturday, September 14, 2013

"By The Pricking Of My Thumbs, Something Wicked This Way Comes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              And something wicked did, indeed, come to Seaside Heights on Thursday afternoon.  This community, which had endured near apocalyptic damage from Sandy almost a year ago, was now faced with a flaming conflagration, which began at two thirty on Thursday afternoon.  Apparently, there was some kind of an explosion at the renowned Kohr's Custard stand, and with sweeping winds, before things could be stopped, flames rushed from one building to another, destroying about twenty businesses, including a section of boardwalk!  Much of this had been rebuilt during the year because of Sandy!  And now, these unfortunate  people are faced with that decision again!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Can't someone give these folks a break??????????????

                              And who needs "Jersey Shore," when there is this real life drama??????  I can remember when I thought it would be great to live by the Jersey shore!  Summer fun, and then cozy, quiet Winter nights!!!!!!!!!!!!  A lot of people are going to rethink that one, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Nothing could be more tragically symbolic than the destruction of Funtown Pier!!!!!!!!!!!  Many of my childhood summers consist of memories from the Jersey shore. But not Seaside.  For whatever reason, my parents never liked going there.  They said a lower class of people went there.  Now, I can't be sure, because we did go there once, just so I could see, and I did not notice anything especially low class.  And, having been forced in childhood to associate with the denizens of Goat Alley, I already knew something about low class!!!!!!!!!!!

                                For a kid, Seaside was great.  It had more space, and rides, than the other amusement piers!  The Wild Mouse was down there!!!!!!!!!!  When one is of a certain age, that is all that counts!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But living at the Jersey shore??????  Hmmmmmmmmm.....after this incident, I am glad I got smart, went all Liza Minnelli, and came to New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I made the best decision of my life, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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