Saturday, September 14, 2013

Girls, I Am Telling You, Ben Affleck Offers A Template For When To Say "Fuck You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               Have you seen the ads for this new movie, "Runner, Runner," darlings???????????  Poor Ben Affleck; he has a modicum of talent behind the camera, but he still has to keep cranking trash out like this, to pay the bills!  And with actors like Justin Timberlake?  He may look good, dolls, but do you think he ever would be admitted to YSD??????????????????

                                  Anyway, there is this scene in the ad that sets my teeth on edge.  However, there are two ways to look at the scene.

                                    Ben Affleck says to Justin Timberlake, "When your boss asks you to take a beating, you go out and do it, then ask if he needs you to do it again!"

                                     The first time I heard this, I thought, "What kind of shit is this?"  Is this America justifying its advocating abusive workplace behavior?????  In the film, it certainly looks like it!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      But, when I saw the ad again, a light bulb went off in my head.  If you don't t see the film, girls--and I have no intention of seeing a piece of crap-- it sends out another message.

                                        Which is when you get a boss or coworker with that attitude, that is the time for you to say "Fuck You!" to them!

                                           Do you think I would accept such crap, darlings??????????  Of course not!  Look how I deal with Insanity Wolf!!!!!!!!!!  You don't have to use those two potent words, but there are ways to go about getting what you want, to indicate that, without being impolite, you are!  And that is the beauty of Ben Affleck's speech!  It sends out a warning for when to take action, which is a more valuable message than the context of the film, which is to just shut up, and take it!  The latter, which, unfortunately, many workplaces,and workers, believe!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I don't espouse such screen crap, either!  But, listen, not every film can be perfect!!!!!!!!!!  Just like Affleck's career!  Though, at least, he is not reduced to doing hair commercials, like the Lea Michelle!!!!!!!!!!!  She is at the tail end, darling, mark my words!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          So, the next time you are asked to do something disagreeable at work, remember this speech, and think twice about doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             You better believe I do, girls!!!!!!!!!  Damn right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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