Friday, September 13, 2013

"Kill Her Mommy, Kill Her!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            Girls, can you believe it is another Friday The 13th??????  Even more, can you believe I missed Frank Mills Day, and did not even post, let alone sing, it??????????  But that is what happens when you are fallen by a migraine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              But, back to today!  Since 1980, it has come to mean one thing, and one thing only--
Betsy Palmer as Mrs. Voorhees!  She makes this day so FUN!  And here is the classic moment, when she speaks the immortal words, "Kill her, Mommy!" for the first time!

                                Don't forget this movie also has Kevin Bacon, as Jack, in his Baby Doll Speedos, with his wing wang peeking out, not to mention Janine Taylor, as Marcie, doing the worst Katherine Hepburn impersonation (from "The Rainmaker," yet!!!!!!!!!)--and in her panties!!!!!!!!!!!!  But, of course, once Betsy shows up, as Mrs. Voorhees, the picture belongs to her!

                                So, here is to a fun filled, happy Friday The 13th, everyone!!!!!!!!!  You know what film to watch!

                               Have a ripping good time, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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