Monday, September 30, 2013

Celia, Honey, You Have GOT To Start Making Those Star Demands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 As if there isn't enough I haven't said already about the fabulous Celia Keenan-Bolger, currently tearing hearts out as Laura in the current of revival of "The Glass Menagerie," wait till you hear this, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  After the show, we waited.  Because, I wanted to get my Playbill autographed and pay homage to Celia.  Having gotten that very gracious signature, we headed to the 42nd Street station, to get the R train back to Brooklyn.  Monsieur went on ahead of me, because he moves faster than I in my decrepitude; especially if it involves going down stairs!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Anyway, I was catching up to him on the platform, when I passed this blond,  pony-tailed woman, who caught my eye!  It was Celia Keenan-Bolger, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!  I was shocked!!!!!!!!!  One of the most lauded stars in the most lauded show currently on the boards, takes the SUBWAY????????  I suddenly got nervous!  There was Celia, standing by our platform!  What if she got on our train?  How would I look?  How would I act?  God, I wish I had Celia's hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Alas, while we caught the R, Celia caught the Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But I am telling her here and now--Celia, dear, you need to speak to your Production Manager or Production Stage Manager, because what you need, especially since the Booth Stage door is centered right in Shubert Alley, is some kind of automated vehicle, even if it is yellow and checkered, paid for the by the production company, who must be, by now, rolling in coffers of money, judging by how packed the house was yesterday.  And said vehicle should take you straight to that stage door, where all you have to do is march a few paces into the theater proper.  (Oh, and this goes for Cherry, Zachary and Brian, too!!!!!!!!!!!!)

                                    Thank God the production outfit is not dealing with me!!!!!!!!  I would have had this written into my contract, and if the demands were not met, I would give them the time they never imagined--a combination of Patti Lu Pone on the warpath, and Carol Jones, as Marsha, Queen Of Diamonds, on "Batman!"

                                      Just suggestion and conjecturing, dears!!!!!!!!  Frankly, Celia, I don't care how you arrive, just so long as you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         You will always be MY Laura!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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