Monday, September 30, 2013

Girls, For Those Who Are Single, This Is Better Than Any Gay Bar In Town!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     It's hard, darlings, to see anything about one Keenan-Bolger,without mentioning another!  Last year, my partner and I had the pleasure of seeing brother Andrew as Crutchie in "Newsies." which is still running.  Andrew is just as talented as the rest of his clan, though I don't believe he is doing Crutchie anymore.  Correct me if I am wrong, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But have you seen his "Submissions Only" web series???????  It is fabulous!  And you know, I am just aching to be on it!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Maybe because I am not single anymore, I did not realize the opportunity extant.  "Newsies" is still the dancing-est show on Broadway, and, with the caliber of male dancers performing nightly, there is plenty of testosterone flowing, on stage and off.

                                        So, single girls, take advantage of this!!!!!!!! Instead of drinking yourselves into a  stupor, or drinking anything, while playing "Dear Heart" on the jukebox (if you can find it), or singing it to yourself, making you feel as though you are Geraldine Page in the movie--shades of my Thirties, darlings!!!!!--why not stop at the stage door of the Nederlander Theatre, before and aft, and see if you can  snare a "Newsie" of your own?????????  You just may be surprised, darlings, and if not successful one night, there is always another, not to mention all that delicious eye candy to feast on!!!!!!!!!  Plus, just go down the road and buy a can of soda to slake that thirst; don't go for broke at some seedy gay bar!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       It wouldn't surprise me if some of my girls on here have not discovered this option already!!!!!!!!!!!!!  In which case, I am just casting pearls before.....pearls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        But this much I can guarantee--it beats all that "Iceman Cometh" atmosphere, down at Julius', in the Village!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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