Monday, September 30, 2013

So Long, September!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Girls, can you believe we have come through nine months???????  Just think, if I was not post-menopausal. I could have given birth, by now!!!!!!!!!!  Some things work out for the best, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            But it has been an even crammed month, which has yielded more postings so far this year than any other month!  Something to strive for in October, with all the ghosties and ghoulies parading around!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Hope your September was amazing, dolls, and that your next month  is an Oktoberfest!
But pray for me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  I start out the month at the dentist--so I know sleep time tonight will be filled with nightmares--Sweeney Todd, and Fantine selling her teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Get those costumes ready for Halloween, everyone, and see you in October!!!!!!!!!!!!

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