Sunday, September 8, 2013

Darlings, This Is Proof Positive You Don't Have To Have Good Looks To Succeed In New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Once upon a time, girls, being the head Drama critic  of the New York Times bespoke of a certain amount of elegance, in both language and appearance.  Frank Rich may have been a porker, but at least he was well put together!  But Ben Brantley--oh, my God!  Have you ever seen anything more ugly?????

                                   And if you think this photo is something, you should see him live!  We were flipping the dials last night, and he happened to be on some program, and, I am telling you, the more I kept looking at him, the more I kept noticing his resemblance to Rondo Hatton as The Creeper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      See what I mean, girls??????????????????????

                                       It used to be that being one of this town's Cultural Elite bespoke of  well bred deportment!  You did not  have to be a matinee idol, (was Alexander Woollcott???????) but there had to be a defined sense of aestheticism that in some ways matched what you turned out on the printed page!  Like yours truly, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        But Brantley-where did he go wrong?  Well, he is from the South, maybe he is the end by-product of generations of "Honey Boo Boo" inbreeding!"

                                          It explains why this Dizzy Queen's reviews are sometimes skewered.

                                          Even more, it explains why he is still single!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I saw the same program last night. I couldn't get past his false piano teeth!
