Monday, September 9, 2013

Girls, I Am Telling You, That Dale Bruner Is Some Piece Of Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Dale Bruner is the coolest psychopath I have ever seen.  The way he just sat there, and calmly chatted with Keith Morrison, on Dateline, as though they were having tea at  the Palm Court, with those cold eyes staring straight on, says much.

                                           I have no doubt Dale murdered his lovely wife, Stephanie Roller Bruner, but it was a tragedy that should not have happened.

                                            On November 23, supposedly, Stephanie went for a walk that evening to clear her head, even though the Colorado air was freezing.  Only nine hours after she did not return did Bruner notify anyone; so, right away, what is up, with that?  Three days later, on November 26, Stephanie's body was found in the Blue River, not 350 yards from her home.  She was naked from the waist down, and appeared to have died from blunt force trauma, hypothermia, strangulation, and drowning.

                                             Some thought, especially early on, Stephanie might have been the victim of random violence.  But when Dale's history came out--a girl friend who testified that, during heated arguments, he would put his hands on her neck (!!!!!!), a Domestic Violence professional who cited Bruner not so much as a murderer, but a man with severe anger problems which erupted into murder.  And Stephanie herself--taped testimony, weeks before her death, how Dale had said if she tried to leave him, he would kill her; a restraining order she had filed for, due to Bruner's alleged child abuse of their son.  And the most damning of all--the withdrawal of that order, due to fear, plus the fact that she was moving on with her life.  She had been seeing another man, but, though that relationship came to a crashing halt, there was no doubt Stephanie was going to move on from Dale.  And that he could not tolerate.

                                                Though why he thought he would get away with something when the facts are right before you, speaks less of intelligence, and more towards how skewered the brain starts to think once it veers onto a criminal path.

                                                    A jury found Dale guilty on several counts, including evidence tampering, and sentenced him to--get this!!!!!!!!--112 years in prison!  He will never see freedom again, but it would be great if he lived out those 112 years.  To think about the years he took not only from Stephanie, but her relationship with her children, and his as well--those kids, wisely, are now being raised by Stephanie's brother and his wife!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     And, Dale, when you cross over and face Stephanie, I hope she smacks you as hard as you did her!!!!!!!!!!!   Repeatedly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Surprised that there is not even one comment on this case.
    I just saw this on tv for a second time.
    Its a tragic example of how men of a certain financial class are able to deceive everyone around them.
    Even to the point of overwhelming evidence in his guilt seems many are trying hard to maintain the belief they were not mistaken of his true identity.
    The disguies some people are able to pull off are astonishing.
    Tq me i felt from the first i looked closely at his eyes and i saw it immediately the evil behind eyes that never shifted.
    So creepy!
    I imagine this is one of the last images this poor woman saw before closing her eyes forever!

  2. Gina,
    We must have been watcthing
    the same program last night! The arrogant
    look in his eyes and his mouth told me
    everything. Imprisoned, with nothing to
    lose, he still does not admit it. A
    true psychopath.

    I feel bad for the children. Brooke,
    who has a long way to go before she accepts
    the truth, and Alexander, who has to grow up
    with all this, after losing their mother, a lovely
    caring woman!

  3. Those poor kids i really feel for them having a sociopath dad!
    The loss of a parent so young and the stigma how in the world do you even begin to heal those wounds?

    We were defintely watching at the same time! I googked dale bruner and pycho eyes and your blog came up.
    I enjoyed your views on some other programs too.

    What really got me was this guy Dale looks like my roommate same weird expressionless face and dead eyes! Thank god my roommate is lazy and never leaves his room when not at work! Although he does take these strange 2 hour drives when he off usually at 2 am he is gone exactly 2 hours each time???? Maybe i am just suspcious hey you just never know!


  4. Gina,
    You most likely OK, but I would say if things get any weirder, trust your
    instincts! Stephanie got the worst of it as a victim, but, as you say,
    those kids have a long road of recovery ahead. I pray they get the help
    they need.

  5. I watched the same program and though I see several convictions via circumstantial evidence (I'm a paralegal), I'm unsure how the jury arrived at a guilty verdict. I've seen a lot more (convincing) evidence which end in acquittals. If by some small chance the appellate court throws out the conviction and the prosecutor tries the case again, I'll bet a second jury will not convict him.

  6. I was a nervous wreck that he would be found not guilty since it only takes one juror most likely a male juror to knit pick and say well maybe he didn't kill her. Thank God her psychopath husband will rot and die in prison!


  7. I felt the same way, Wolf Dance, and you
    raise a good point. Why is it always male jurors
    (or almost always)who will contradict everyone else.
    I have experienced this several times on jury duty.


    1. Because males arrive at conclusions by using logic & relying on tangible facts/evidence, whereas females make unproven assumptions based on what their emotions dictate. It is the prosecutions job to PROVE guilt, not hypothesize it, otherwise the presumption of innocence must prevail.

  8. I have seen your comments once before about a girl called NI Nourn who set up David Stevens to be murdered by her lover Ron Barker ? Not sure about spelling. After the Trial judge said she was the more guilty and sentenced her to life without parole, she is now out of prison with the battered women defence. Let us hope that this conviction sticks.


  9. Michael,

    I did not know Ni Nourn was
    released rom prison. Society
    better watch out for her.

    But it would not surprise me
    if she does something that again
    lands her in the slammer!


  10. Realist,
    I welcome comments, but make them clear.
    Are you inferring I am a woman. Take a look
    at my pic? Maybe you need a new eye perscription.
    And by the way straight males arrive at conclusions
    using testosterone and heterosexual fantasies.
    Gay men use logic, psychology and instinct they
    know from having been victimized or bullied.

    Go back to the beer hall, you bum!
