Monday, September 9, 2013

Meet Pete, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             I am talking about our latest, and lovable, mascot, Pete, The Pigeon.  In addition to Cujo outdoors, and all the mascots indoors--Baby Gojira, Ramsey, and Rover--Pete is the latest I have talked about, though he has been around for quite awhile.  He frequents the interior atrium that forms the inner courtyard of our apartment building, and he often perches on the left corner of our fire escape, where I often see him, when  I am having breakfast.  Sometimes he looks in, to see what is going on.

                                               Other times, he perches on either of our air conditioners, where, especially when they are running, it is hot out, and he is cool, we can hear his contented coos.  Yesterday, he looked in from the air conditioner to see what was going on in our living room.

                                                 There is also a beautiful white pigeon, whom we have dubbed Lulabelle, whom Pete keeps company with.  Yesterday morning, he spent so much time cleaning and preening himself, I was afraid he was injured, or molting. But he was getting ready for a date with Lulabelle, because, later on, the two were seen, flying about.  And she sometimes comes and sits on the fire escape with Pete.

                                                   Sometimes, when Monsieur and I oversleep, we hear Pete cooing insistently, concerned we are not up yet, and signalling us to get going!  We feel very lucky to count Pete among our mascots.  Perhaps we should leave some bird seed out for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      We love you, Pete!  And no jealousy, the rest of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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