Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Girls, We Pinned The Tail On Christine Quinn This Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  I really think, darlings, that we were not the only ones up early, in Bay Ridge, in our house.  I have a feeling Cujo was up before we were, and I know Peter was out, and about, flying around, as though urging us to get going.  What I think they were doing was urging us to get to the polls fast, so we could place our votes, as they did, thereby, pinning the tail on, and killing the mayoral career of, Christine Quinn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Oh, girls, honestly, I had to laugh at that commercial last night, with Christine marching with constituents (how much were they paid, I would like to know!!!!!!!)  declaring how everyone is going to come out to vote for her, there will be a runoff, and she will be in it!

                                                      Yeah, right, Christine!  Self confidence is nice, but not when it comes at the price of delusion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         So, it seems like everyone was out voting before we were.  Even Baby Gojira was jumping up and down, excitedly, on his perch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         We shall see if the best man wins!
                                                           And, no, that does NOT include you, Christine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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