Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day Of Terror--Twelve Years Later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Can you believe it has now been a dozen years, darlings????????  And I don't mean since my last cotillion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      It was like one of those 50's monster movies I had grown up on.  Buildings bursting into flames, people screaming, and then who knew where?  Was there any safe place to run to, at that moment, on that day?  Those of us who were in the midst of it--and I was certainly one--did not think so!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Having November 22, 1963 be a benchmark date for my generation was bad enough.  I never expected  there would be another.  But came it did, on September 11, when the World Trade Center, was attacked and destroyed, along with 3,000 citizens--workers, firefighters, and other service professionals.  And it was a benchmark to the generation succeeding us, the children of mine, who were getting on their feet in life.  I can only imagine what it did to them.

                                        Don't kid yourselves, darlings!  With all this talk of Syria, there is no denying the presence--however slight, however much we try to block it out--of fear. If any date in my lifetime can be cited as having entered what I call the "Strangelovian age," it is what happened a dozen years ago, on this tragic day.

                                          Oh, there will be memorials and tributes today, and they are important, not only for the families directly effected, but those of us in New York, who lived through it!

                                           But it is also a time to remind ourselves it must never happen again!!!!!!!!!!!!


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