Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Delusional Gay Hater Can't Even Figure Out Who Is Gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Steven Torres, the 22 year old piece of slime, who just two days ago, knifed 69 year old Ever Orozco at the 90th Street station on the Number 7 train, in Elmhurst, Queens, is dangerous and delusional!!!!!!!!!!!  Can't this queens hater even spot a queen?????  Is he too stupid?????????

                                                Apparently, he is.  He is also laboring under the delusion that he is the hottest looking thing in Jordache, for Torres claims his motive in doing so, was that the older man "threw kisses" at him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Hey, Stevie!   I got news for you!  From what I have seen of you, no one is going to throw kisses at you!  And, no matter how not hot you are, once the court system gets through with you, and you are sentenced to the prison that you deserve, your fellow inmates are going to deliver more than kisses to you.  Starvation drives a person in directions never thought possible, Stevie, boy!  As you will soon find out when you become known around the pen as Everyone's Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    It is bad enough gay men are getting it!  It is also bad enough that, in the days leading up to the third anniversary of Tyler Clementi's passing, we have two hate crimes--this one, and
the cyberbullying driven suicide of Rebecca Sedwick last week!  What is going on here, darlings??????????

                                                     I can tell you one thing.  Torres should have been tipped off to the fact that Torres was not gay!  Because, had he walked up to the average queen, they would not have gone down without giving him a good dose of ATTITUDE!!!!!!!!!!!  Which might have scared the deranged thing so much, he might have taken off!!!!!!!!!

                                                        But, like I said, Torres was deranged.  I don't know if he was drunk, or high, but I would not be a bit surprised.

                                                           It is bad enough being gay is reason enough to start feeling unsafe in a city once thought to be a mecca for gays to escape to.  Now, when even people who are THOUGHT to be gay are done in by homophobia, how safe does that leave anyone?  And where can these people escape to???????

                                                           And why isn't Christine Quinn using her big, fat mouth, to speak out on this??????  Does Orozco's not being gay make it matter less?  Does the fact that her election chances have dried up mean she does not give a shit???????  Christine, hon, you can still be a politician, a lesbian, and a narcissistic opportunist, but there is something to be said for being simply HUMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             Anyone who is should respond with outrage!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             As for me, I'll just give these scum a good dose of Bonita Granville!!!!!!!!!  Or better yet, say to them what Scarlett said to Emmy Slattery--

                                                               "Get off these steps, you trashy wenches!  Get off this land!!!!!"


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