Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What A Dream I Had Last Night, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Remember how, in the Tennessee Williams' masterwork, "A Streetcar Named Desire," Eunice, in the opening scene, asks the recently arrived Blanche if she is lost, and Blanche replies, "They told me to take a streetcar named Desire, get off at Cemeteries, and transfer to Elysian Fields???????"

                                 Well, in the dream I had last night, where I WAS Blanche, looking more like Jessica Tandy than Vivien Leigh, I bypassed all that.  In my dreamworld depiction as Blanche, I was being led through the living room by the doctor, just as the end of the play requires.  I was, clearly, as Blanche in the play was, being taken away, to a mental institution.  But, instead of uttering to the doctor, Blanche's now almost signature line--"Who ever you are, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers," I, as Blanche, walked through the living room, where Stanley and his cohorts were playing cards, and remarked--
"Don't mind me, boys; I'm just passing through!"

                                      What is this all about, I wonder?  I have no plans for being hauled off to any loony bin; sometimes, on some days, I feel like I work in one!!!!!!!!!!  But doesn't everybody, at one time, or another?????????  And, if I were in Blanche's situation, more like Scarlett, I would say "Fuck you!" to that, hold high my head, and utter something saucy to those boys!  That IS true of me, even if I was rewriting Tennessee Williams there!

                                         Does this mean I want to play Blanche????????  Honeys, for anyone who acts, (and I don't care if you are male or female!!!!!!!) who doesn't want to, at one time or another??????  Show
me an actor, and I will show you secret dreams nurtured of playing Blanche Du Bois!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But
right now, on the cusp of seeing "The Glass Menagerie" (which may have triggered this dream!!!!!) I have
no desire to step into a dark part, one that will sap all physical and emotional energy for me!  I would rather do "Funny Girl," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            So dreaming I was Blanche last night was strange!  Maybe it is the meds
 I am on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Damn right I would have stood on the porch at Belle Reeve, and called out to those soldiers!  I might have done the same thing in Highland Park, but ain't no soldier boys going by, there!!!!!!!!!!!!

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