Thursday, September 5, 2013

Did Cujo Hold A Press Conference, Yesterday, Girls????????????????

                                  As I remarked, yesterday, darlings, I was so disappointed at not seeing our lovable neighbor, Cujo, on his terrace, yesterday morning, while I was on the way to work.  But then my partner filled me in on some valuable information.

                                   Yesterday, for those in the know, was the first day of Rosh Hashannah.  And, while I went to work, and sang about seedlings and sunflowers, Monsieur stayed home, and made a scrumptious meal, then went to the local synagogue.

                                      He took the same route as we take to the 77th Street, Bay Ridge station, each morning.  It was sometime in the afternoon, and, when he passed a certain terraced house, whom should he see out there, but our beloved Cujo?????????  I was so happy he was all right!  Monsieur said he was surrounded by a bevy of people, which caused me to wonder several things--

                                       1. Are Cujo and his owners Jewsih?  And do they celebrate the
                                              High Holidays???????

                                        2.  Was he having some kind of press conference?  Is he some
                                                  sort of celebrity we don't know about?

                                          3.  Had people read this blog, and now, in addition to us,
                                                  Cujo now has his own fan base?????????????

                                      In any case, I was happy to hear he was out, about and all right.

                                       Now, this morning, I feared I was having the same experience.  I looked up at the terrace, called, but no Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!  I called Monsieur, and reported his absence.  But, for some reason, I stood, off to the side, and called again.  And, when I did, Cujo came running from the back yard, to the front gate, blocking the driveway from the street, where he greeted me, then ran back to this guy in a white shirt, with black hair, who must be his owner!  I can only imagine what he must have thought!  But he let Cujo and I have our moment!

                                        One of my coworkers thinks the real owners are getting a kick out of this.  I can only hope so, since both of us like Cujo so much!  In fact, I want to ask Cujo, what he would like for Christmas.  For, once the Winter months set in, he will be holed up, in front of the fireplace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          But for now we have our big, lovable Cujo, who brings happiness to our day, every time we see him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             We love you, Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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