Thursday, September 5, 2013

This Is NO Baby Ruth, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Don't Even Think For A Minute That That Blonde Hair Is Natural!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Remember how Ben Stone, in my favorite Sondheim musical, "Follies," asks Sally Plummer, when they first see each other, "Did you eat Baby Ruths for breakfast?"  Well, with that line, plus all the attention being recently given to Cate Blanchett channeling Blanche Du Bois, in Woody Allen's latest, "Blue Jasine," I thought it was time that Ruth Madoff got her due, as Bitch Of The Week.  Because, in many ways, Cate is as much playing a version of Ruth as she is Blanche.  Only Jasmine in the film comes off a bit more sympathetic than Ruth in reality.

                                  That Ruth Madoff!  She was a crafty one, living high off the hog, of hubby Bernie, as he bilked so many out of their personal savings, bringing grief and misery to all, when filling his coffers!!!!!!!!! Did Ruth ever wonder how those coffers got filled so abundantly????????  But, I guess, with all that travel and fashion wear, the poor dear didn't have a moment to herself, to wonder!!!!!!!!! Yeah, right!

                                    The suicide of son Mark was a tragedy I would not have wished on anyone, let alone the Madoffs!  Perhaps it was a wake up call, but when you go from living in Boca Raton, to living on property owned by your other son, in Old Greenwich, Connecticut, that downward trajectory is not too far, now, is it???????????

                                       You better believe it, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!  That Ruth was as cool and calculating, in her own way, as hubby Bernie.  Too bad she could not be prosecuted for living off the misery of others, for as long as she did!!!!!!!!!! Does she even care?  The fact that that question has to be aired, in light of "Blue Jasmine" is what makes Ruth so perfect, and long overdue, for Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!  Congratulations, Ruthie!!!!!!!!!!!  You finally made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Just don't expect to make the invite list at MY place, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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