Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gooch Is Gone, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         This is a Black Day in Musical Theater History, girls!  Jane Connell, the one and only Agnes Gooch, since "Mame" opened at the Winter Garden on May 24, 1966, passed away yesterday at the age of 87!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Not only did she play Gooch, but who could forget her brilliant turn as Queen Victoria on "Bewtiched?"  Additionally, she taught me, and countless others, to sing "Mame's" opening song, "St. Bridget."  A lot of CD's will be playing that score tonight.  And a lot of my girls out there will be crooning  "St. Bridget."  Including yours truly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           The theater has lost another Legend Of The Musical Stage.  I would hope the Broadway lights dim for Jane.  She was one of THE consummate musical theater performers.

                                             I did not see "Mame" in its original run, but I count myself among those lucky enough to have seen her, (with Angela Lansbury, and Anne Francine as Vera Charles!!!!!!!!!!!!) in the 1983 revival of "Mame."   Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!  That was thirty years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  When the Overture died down, and she walked out on stage, Gooch groupies went wild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             I will always hear her in my head singing Gooch.  I wish I could bring you "St. Bridget, darlings!  I tried. But here is Angela and Company, complete with Jane, doing the classic "We Need A Little Christmas!!!!!!!!"  This should lift your spirits!

                                              Rest In Peace, Jane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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