Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Forget The Musical Of "Bullets Over Broadway!!!!!!!!!" "Boiling Bunnies On Broadway??????" This One Should Be Ignored, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Poor Trevor Nunn!  I used to think of him as London's equivalent to Harold Prince, but, in his dotage, he seems to be slipping.  The latest bit of news from the West End is he is going to direct a stage adaptation of--get this, kiddies!!!!!!--the 1987 Michael Douglas, Glenn Close hetero horror howler, "Fatal Attraction!"

                                               Ironic, since the whole thing started in England, with a British short film by James Dearden, called "Deception."  I would still like to see that, girls.  The American film which was made from it, has become so iconic, I cannot see the sense of bringing it to the stage.

                                               Added to which, it already has.  Several summers back, down at CSC, here in Manhattan,  there was a camp adaptation of it, featuring a rather funny Corey Feldman (yes, Corey Feldman!!!!!!!) in the Michael Douglas role!  It basically took the script word for word, and added parody to it!  The role of Ellen, the daughter, was played by a short, muscular armed chorus boy type, and it was staged in the manner of Greek tragedy.

                                                But it was never as funny as it should have been.  And now, with the Brits having a go at it, how will it be done?  Will it still be set in New York, or London?  There are some things, like the desecration of the car, that cannot be done on stage.  How will it end?????????  Will it come to Broadway???? God forbid, though, you know, girls, were it to, you could not keep me away from it!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Not to mention the Nightly Boiling Of The Bunny!!!!!!!!!!!  This I must strongly object to, even if those bunnies are not real!  They had better not be!!!!!!!!!!!  And don't use lobsters, either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    This "Fatal Attraction" could be a fatal career move for  all!  But, like I say, darlings, nothing beats watching a theatrical train wreck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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