Monday, September 23, 2013

I Have Just GOT To Talk To Cherry Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       And I don't mean about being a lesbian, which I am not, nor playing Amanda in "The Glass Menagerie," which I am seeing Cherry do this coming Sunday, but it has never been on my acting radar.  Come to think of it, according to Cherry, it never was on hers, so I had better watch what I say!

                                       Did you see that recent revealing article in The Times, darlings????????  What caught me was when Cherry mentioned first discovering having seizure disorder--a form of epilepsy--not only during the run of "Doubt," but while she was actually performing it.

                                        This is rather timely for me, who has had epilepsy, petit mal, seizure disorder--call it what you will--for just about all of my 58 years, and now, due to simple economics am faced with going off of what I have been on all my life--Dilantin--to something more generic, called Keppra.  I am doing this
under an accomplished neurologist, whom I trust, but, when I heard Cherry takes something, I had to wonder what she is taking.

                                         Of course, the meds might differ, because my experience has been of longer duration, though I have only one episode on record, when I was about four or five, triggered by an allergic reaction to phenobarbital, (which no one knew at the time) sending me into "status epilepticus," whereupon I awoke, in a hospital, in an oxygen tent, family looking at me, after having (I found out later) been in a coma for two days!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Fortunately, I have never repeated that, though I do, from time to time get what I call the "funny feeling," which is one of dissociation, that seems to take me outside of myself, until I eventually come back.

                                            None of this, of course, I would  wish on Cherry, or anyone. But I would be interested in hearing how she deals with things in this area!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Meanwhile, I will let her deal with playing Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Dilantin and Keppra are both name brands, Phenytoin would be the generic Dilantin and Levetiracetim would be the generic of Keppra. Your "funny feelings" are more than likely seizures themselves. You should start a journal and mark down the funny feelings and talk to your neuro about how many seizures you are really having. Keppra has the nickname keppRage. There is endless info online now about epilepsy and treatments. Check out the diets available if the meds aren't working (and they're not if you're having funny feelings)

  2. I just discovered your comments, and appreciate them. I have had these funny feelings all life, the Keppra has lessened them. I never thought of them as seizures, just a kind of dissociating. I get them when I am tired or stressed, as I have noticed. The journal is not a bad idea! Thanks!
