Saturday, September 28, 2013

Haul This Holly Into The Slammer For Good, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Holly McFeeture is some piece of work, girls!  She is another one in a  series of folk who get rid of their partners, when they no longer want them, by poisoning them to death with anti-freeze, which is what Holly did to her fiance, Matthew Podolak, back in January of 2006.

                                    Because  kidney failure and suicide were always thought to be the primary causes, and Holly just played her role as a grief stricken now  single mother as though butter would not melt in her mouth--but look at that smug grin the mug shot, darlings!!!!!!!!!!--she was not charged until sometime in 2012, and convicted to Life, with parole in 35 years, in August of that year!

                                    She won't get out, until she sees Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     It was the same old story--she wanted out, so she killed him.  Oh, and there was a matter of the life insurance policy, which , alas, netted only a paltry $15K.  In today's economy, that is not enough to kill for!  Add another zero to that, maybe, but, Holly, hon, you would not have gotten far on fifteen thousand!

                                    And you are no beauty, either!  Some have opined if Holly had been more attractive, like Casey Anthony and Jodi Arias, she would have gotten a lighter sentence.  But, don't worry, Casey will get hers sooner or later, and we just LOVE Jodi, darlings!  I can't wait to see her story done as a Broadway musical!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Just like, instead of doing "Eugene Onegin," and causing such controversy at the Met, that august organization should mount a new, original work about Sante and Kenneth Kimes!  I'd be the first on line for tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    As Matthew's brother, Mark, said, all Holly had to do was walk away, if she wanted out that bad!  Now, she will rot in prison, being bitched on by a group of really top notch bitch witches--her inmates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     No more Merry Christmases for you, Holly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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