Saturday, September 28, 2013

Dim Those Broadway Lights For Jane, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    If playing Agnes Gooch in the original Broadway production of the musical, "Mame," back in 1966, had been Jane Connell's only appearance on the New York stage, it would have been enough to secure her Musical Theater Immortality, and the lights should be dimmed for that, alone!

                                   However, it was far from her only appearance.  Rather, it was the signature in a  multitude of appearances on the New York stage, stretching out for at least 45 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I know they were dimmed a month ago for Julie Harris, (who even had one  musical to her credit, "Skyscraper," in 1965!!!!!!!!!!) but Jane's stature in musical comedy was as iconic as Julie's in drama.  As Linda Loman once said, "Attention must be paid."

                                       So, I am telling those in the know--I expect to hear that Broadway is dimming its lights for Jane Connell.  Do so, or else you risk having me standing in front of the Winter Garden one evening, at the time when the lights would be dimmed, singing "St. Bridget."

                                        Jane was no "poor lost lamb," dolls, but a Legend Of The Musical Stage, and she deserves to be honored appropriately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Otherwise, I warn you--I will sing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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