Friday, September 27, 2013

Why Do So Many Young Girls Want To Be Lindsay Lohan??????????

                                 I saw, on two separate occasions this week,  darlings, two girls who looked like they desperately wanted to be Lindsay Lohan!  The first was while I was riding the train one morning, and there was this blonde thing in sun glasses, looking so pretentious, wanting people to look at her, like she was oh, so cool!!!!!!!!!  Oh, honey, please!  Give yourself a cream rinse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   The second I passed while transferring from the IRT to the BMT in Times Square during evening rush hour.  I see lots of things then, girls!!!!!!!!!!  I passed this young thing with blonde streaks, but the hair was fundamentally candy pink--you know, like those satin napkins I keep bugging my
partner about wanting to buy!!!!!!!!!!  She had pulled herself together in some pink and white jacket, over a white blouse, with aqua green pants that hardly matched--she looked a mess!  Which meant she was trying to go for the Lohan look!  The only thing I can't understand is--why?????????????

                                     But that is the younger generation, for you!  They think "Spring Awakening" is the greatest musical ever written.  They aren't even sophisticated enough for "Rent," as though anyone would think that was sophisticated, anyway!  They do not believe the Sixties ever happened.  They never heard of the Holocaust.  If I was really jaded, I would believe that their whole concept of social interaction is based, not on social media, but what is dramatized on "Wicked Attraction."  But things are not that bad,,,,are they??????

                                    Maybe not, but these girls (or others) who want to look like Lindsay Lohan  are on their way to carving out their own paths to perdition.  And they will get there first, because, it is only due to fame and money, which gives her enough resources to do her bouts in rehab, which are a joke, anyway, that
Lindsay has not crashed and burned yet. Don't worry; she will, darlings!!!!!!!!!  But when one lacks money, fame and resources, the crash and burning come much sooner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The musical "Flower Drum Song" asked, "What are we gonna do about The Other Generation???????"   "Bye Bye Birdie" posed the question, "What's the matter with Kids today???????"
I am not going to even ask about the ones today.  Too many of them worship at the Temple Of Mark Zuckerberg.

                                        Because they do, they have no soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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