Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I Have Heard Jessie, Darlings, And She Is Terrific!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Call me a techno-incompetent, girls!  Yesterday, I heard some audio snippets of Jessie Mueller performing from the forthcoming Broadway musical about Carole King, called "Beautiful."  And she is! I tried--Oh, God, how I tried!!!!--to get on here for you, but I was not able to achieve that.  So, let me tell you to, after reading here, go over to, where there is an article, with said track, and you can hear for yourself.

                                 Jessie Mueller has found her focus.  When I heard she was cast in this show--a lead and a potential TONY contender, if ever I saw one-- I had no doubt of her capabilities, but I wondered how she would achieve the double feat of pulling off Carole King without losing Jessie.  In other words, how to do more than just a mimicked imitation.

                                   She has done it. Why should I be surprised?????  She comes off with the compelling quality that made King a legend, but she does it on her own.  So you hear Carole and Jessie, which is as it should be!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, darlings, when I do BARBRA, I may sound Jewish, but that is about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I promise if I can get some auditory on here in the future, I will, In the meantime, dolls, trust me--Jessie is going to be sensational in this show, and I cannot wait to hear her.

                                    And maybe we will get a cast album out of it that is pure Jessie!  Yes, she is on the latest CD of "The Mystery Of Edwin Drood," but only in patches!  This show should be HER album!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Stay tuned for more, cupcakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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