Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Not Much To Learn From Lauren This Time, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Darlings, I have been derelict in my duties!  It has been so long since I read this--over a month ago--that I just yesterday realized I had forgotten to post anything about this. Which is kind of a subconscious way of saying how I liked the book, which, frankly, was NOT Lauren's finest hour.  I had rather it was about MY last night at Chateau Marmont, darlings--which would have been FANTASTIC, believe me!!!!!!!--except I have never stayed there.  Another thing on my list of things to accomplish, like Classical Languages and Advanced Math!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Even though the famous, landmark Los Angeles hotel--the ONLY place to stay  when you are in that area, darlings!!!!!--figures in the title, very little time is spent there.  Most of the time is taken up in New York, with one Brooke Alter, (maiden name Greene) and how her relationship escalates from introductions, to her supporting hubby Julien Alter before and during marriage,  while he achieves his goal of becoming a rock singer, to him achieving that goal, and the consequences thereof.  I am sorry to say it is really ho hum.  For one thing,
the only thing I learned her was the importance of using a good night cream every night before bed!  That was it!  The other thing is that Lauren can be a bit of her moralist in her books, which is fine, with me, but her
heroines are usually  empowered.  Girls, if you plan to read the book, stop here, if not I will save you the trouble. Because, when it comes right down to it, instead of walking out on schmuck Julien, who is SO taken up with his own fame, Lauren has them get back together.  I can't endorse that!  And I liked Brooke--up till then!  I never had any use for Julien!

                                            Nor had I any use for the rock world! While Lauren has evidently done her research carefully, I did not give a shit.  I would much rather she write about the New York party, theatrical, or literary scene. You know, where I might turn up as one of her characters.  But hanging out in rock bars?????  Going to ear splitting concerts?????????? Not on your life, sweetheart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             So, this is not up to Lauren at her best!!!!!!!!. And yet, I am glad I read it!  What is interesting is, I read this after reading her latest "Revenge Wears Prada--The Devil Returns," so I know Lauren is back on track.

                                              Perhaps it was an experiment she tried. Oh, well, it didn't work!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              And there definitely were not enough lifestyle tips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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