Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Poor Patrick, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 This is real life, girls!!!!!!!!!  I am telling you, you cannot make this shit up!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Patrick, the Gorilla, has been a resident of the Dallas Zoo for the past eighteen years.  He just adores his public--men, women, and children.  But, he is accused of being sexist, and is being sent to a zoo in South Carolina, where he will have his own, solitary, space, because he does not get along with the female gorillas. He has hit them, and bit them.  There was a report he was going to undergo therapy, but that has been debunked!

                                  The first thing I want to say is, why lay all the blame on Patrick???? He is sweet and lovable to humans, like Magilla Gorilla! I KNOW some of you out there remember him, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Maybe, just maybe, those female gorillas were nasty to Patrick!  And maybe he got fed up!  If human women and little girls love him, and he them, then I place the blame on the female gorillas!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe they want to throw Patrick out to make an all female enclave!  Maybe some of those gorillas are lesbian!  In which case, they'd do better having tea with Christine Quinn.  They could give her fashion tips!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I hope Patrick is not going to be too lonely in his new surroundings.  It almost makes me want to visit the South Carolina zoo, to see if he is OK!  Maybe he just wants to be Top Ape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I wish Patrick happiness. And, I am telling you, if those femme gorillas had not done something to him first, he would not have hit or bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Maybe Patrick needs to explore an alternate side, and visit a gay bar!!!!!!!

                                         He is hotter looking than some of the stuff walking in there today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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