Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I Have News, Girls!!!!!!!!!!! We Are Going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Get ready, Cherry and Celia!  The Raving Queen and Monsieur will be arriving at the Booth Theatre for the Sunday matinee, on September 29, to see if these two women (especially Celia, whom I am worried about!) can pull off Amanda and Laura!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        As for the men, it almost does not matter, but just for the record, the word is that Brian J. Smith is a wonderful Gentleman Caller, but Zachary Quinto somehow misses as Tom.  Now, maybe he will surprise me, as Celia might, but at least with her, I can sense potential.  I am not so sure with Zachary, who does not look Tom enough.  Instead, he looks too much like he has stepped out of Stephanie Myer's  "Twilight," rather than Tennessee Williams', and there is nothing poetic seeming about him.  He is much too testosterone fueled.  But, then, I have a hunch John Tiffany, the Brit queen who directed this, cast him exactly for that reason, and who knows, maybe he bangs the guy nightly, to get him motivated for the part?  As Dorothy Parker once said, "I would not be at all surprised."

                                       I am not against straight actors playing Tom.  Christian Slater played him in 2005, and he was magnificent. A passionate poet.  But Quinto? We shall see!

                                       So, get ready, guys, because I am coming!

                                       But I am most interested in Celia as Laura!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Because there is some part of me that still feels SO connected to that character!!!!!!!!!

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