Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wonder Whom This Queen Is Having For Breakfast, Darlings??????????

                                         This is John Tiffany, girls, the hot, little piece of  British queen, who is trying to make a name for himself on this side of Atlantic by directing an American masterwork, "The Glass Menagerie," by Tennessee Williams.  Let's hope he has not bitten off more than he can chew.

                                            The last thing John directed on these shores was the TONY winning musical, "Once."  Let me say up front, I did not see it.  I DID, however, see "Once" performed on the TONY Awards that season.  "Boom.  Boom.  Boom. Boom."  Let's just say I was not impressed, and nothing I saw
or heard compelled me to go and see it.

                                              But with "The Glass Menagerie," you know, up front, that the material is good, and the poetic lyricism of the language is some of the most exquisite ever spoken on a stage.  Will
Tiffany and Company be able to mine every aspect of that is the question!  How much does this Brit
know about post war Southern entrapment????  I know, I know, some of the same criticisms--at least the Brit one--was aimed at Vivien Leigh, when Scarlett was being cast, and look how that turned out, but, until I
see for myself on the 29th, I will reserve further comments till then.

                                               Now, I know all you out there know that this is the Raving Queen, so you come here for sophistication, literacy, and a bit of gossip.  Better than that "Perez Hilton," I can tell you.  Half the staff writing for that rag ought to be ON the rag--and I am just talking about the men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Mr. Tiffany looks like a firebrand, which means, if we were to collaborate, he and I would lock horns,  I can tell you!!!!!  (For those of you single girls out there, who may find him hot, keep in mind, sweeties, that, being a Brit, Mr. Tiffany is most probably uncut!  Of course, if you like that sort of thing, go for it!  As for me, I would NEVER!  But, hey, John, if you are going to stay over here, and make a theatrical name for yourself, a simple snip! snip! can be arranged by any competent doctor in town!!!!!)  But, even more interesting to ponder is what Mr. Tiffany is finding to divert himself with here in Gotham, once the theater work day ends?  Wonder if his nights are as
drama filled?  Strictly "Butterfield 8," darlings, as there is plenty of action in this town!  But, strictly speaking, for myself, I would rather meet Mr. Tiffany, to discuss theater, and what he has done with "The Glass Menagerie" (once I have seen it) over tea at Brown's, rather than the revolving door that is is hotel bedroom!!!!!!!!

                                                 Wonder who's for breakfast at Tiffany's, girls?????????????????

or heard

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