Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It Was The Merriest of 'Merrily' Evenings, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                              Girls, when I first heard, back in July, than Ann Morrison, the original Mary Flynn of "Merrily We Roll Along" (1981) was going to be at 54 Below on Labor Day night, I knew I had to get there, and I had to bring my beloved Monsieur, who has never seen this Musical Theater Legend in action, so he does not know how she OWNS the role of Mary Flynn, unlike that no neck monster, Celia Keenan Bolger, who not only could barely squawk it out in the ENCORES production, but now has the arrogant hubris to take on the role of Laura in "The Glass Menagerie!"  Indeed!

                                                   Well, the Raving Queen was on the aisle last night, and let me tell you, it was like one big party.  At the end of our table, were the original Franklin Shepard and Charlie Kringas--Jim Walton and Lonny Price!  When Ann made her entrance, the room glowed.  Her stories were enlightening, and when she sang, whether the material was known, or not, her voice was as fresh as yesterday, and has not dimmed with age!  We should all be in as good physical and vocal shape as Ann, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Not to mention, the space at 54 Below, which I had never been to, was
fabulous, and the meal offered prior to the show was luscious, especially for a supper club.  My short ribs, and Monsieur's halibut just melted in our mouths, the veggies and potatoes were scrumptious, the coffee was strictly high octane, and the chocolate desert was so filling I needed to tighten my corset, like Scarlett!!!!!!!!!

                                                        But Ann was the highlight, and she did not disappoint the legions (many of whom were Original Cast members of 'Merrily.' which thrilled the remainder of us Theater Queens there!!!!!!!!) of fans who came out last night to pay her homage!   I think my favorite moment was her simple, yet eloquent, rendering of the Sondheim title classic, "Anyone Can Whistle."

                                                           And you know who else was there, dolls???????? Former cabaret artist, Julie Wilson, herself!!!!!!!!!!!  Whom I saw, back in the Eighties, at Michael's Pub, during that period  when Woody Allen (whom I never saw) would play there on Monday nights!!!!!!!!!  Julie looked great,but I wondered what she was doing there???????  I came to the conclusion that the torch was being passed from one cabaret artist to another!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              Ann kept saying she does not come to New York often.  Well, Ann, hon, you are going to have to change that!  Too many, like myself, miss you, and when you sing, like the lyric says in 'Merrily', "dreams don't die."

                                                                  Keep helping us keep our dreams, Ann, and thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fabulous, and so was sthe meal provided before the sstart of the show!!!!!!!!!


  1. HI dearest Raving Queen! I tried to send you a comment on your post about me and it didn't seem to go through. I am thrilled you were there Monday night and I thank you for your insight and love!
    I am still high from the response you all gave me. 54 Below is having me back to encore. Keep a look out for that date.
    Thank you again for your enthusiasm and love. Rave on dear rave on!
    Bright Blessings


  2. Dear Ann,
    Thanks for your kind words and just
    reading this blog! My partner
    loved the show, and we will
    definitely keep an eye out for
    your encore appearance!

    I especially loved the story
    about teaching Musical Theater
    to the disabled. It brought home
    to me something I have learned
    lo these many years--the real
    rewards often come from the
    unlikeliest places!

    My Best To You,
    The Raving Queen!
